Club Service Detail

Panchsheel Mysore


Blind walk

on 3rd September, we had organized blind walks,in association with Rotary mysore. we had, Chief Guest Rtn Anirudha Roy Choudhry Rotary International Director, Guests of Honor Rtn Keshav DG (District Governor) RI District 3181 From Mysore, Rtn Nasir Borsdwala DG RI District 3170 from Kolapur Maharashtra, Rtn Dr Sunder Rajan DG RI District 3203 from Udumalpet Tamil Nadu Rtn Udayabasker DG RI District 3191 from Bangalore, Rtn Srinivasmurthy DG RI District 3192 from Bangalore, Rtn Chethan Vishwanth District Secretary, Rtn Anand Asst Governor, Rtn Somesh, Rtn Rajendra Prasad IPS, Rtn Jayaraman Trustee Nayana Jyothi Trust, Prof. Krishna Hombal HOD, Political Science University of mysore, world Record holeder in retrieving eye Dr Ganeshan from Shivakashi who has received 4412 eyes, Rtn Latha Narayan who has retrieved 2400 eyes from Madhugiri Tumkur, Visually challenged people, Rotary Bikers from Bangalore, Rotarians, Rotaractors, Students from St Philomena?s College,